Local SEO Search Stats FAQ
What percentage of customers use google my business map listings to locate local services?
86% of potential customers use google my business maps to locate a local business. Google My Business map listings might be the most important SERP real estate for a local business. It is used by most people to locate local services.
What percent of users search online to find a local business?
97% of users searched online to find a local business. Consumers have become reliant on google to find local services. 54% of us are making searches to find local services at least once a month, and 12% search for a local business every day.
What percent of searches on google have local intent?
46% of all searches on google have local intent. This is why google factors in the location of the searcher. Their algorithm uses location and local intent of the searcher to determine what to include in the SERP.
What percent of local searches generates a purchase?
28% of all local searches generate a purchase. Users searching for local businesses have a high commercial (purchase) intent. They are ready to contact a provider.
What percent of local searches on mobile result in an offline purchase?
78% of local searches on mobile result in an offline purchase. Most websites get over 70% of their site traffic via mobile devices. And they are using them to find service providers in their area.
What percent of consumers contact the business based on information found online?
70% of consumers will contact a business based on information found online. Search results are a huge influencer for customers looking for service provider online. This makes reviews and other brand information about your business very important.
What percent of clicks go to the first result in local business searches?
24.4% clicks of go to the first result in local business searches. Not only does it give your more clicks but it the first position in search carries with it a status that gives you brand integrity.
Are searchers using “near me” in their mobile searches?
“Near me” mobile searches increased 136% last year. “Near me” in the search makes the search explicitly local. By emphasizing your business local with you SEO is a very important part of Local SEO.
What percent of "Near me" searches will result in a customer lead?
Over 50% of “Near me” searches will result in a customer lead. Considering the obiose intent of a “near me” search the high conversion rate only makes sense. Your business needs to be in the top results for “near me” searches for your most important services.
What is the effect does not being found online affect a business
62% of customers will disregard a business they cannot find online. This speaks to trust and authority. The impression most people get of a business they can’t find online is that they are not credible operators.
How important are online reviews for Local SEO?
12% of potential customers look for online reviews before choosing a business. Every business needs to have a process for generating consistent online reviews. Reach out to your clients after each visit or service transaction for reviews. It can also help with your website’s online authority for SEO.